Starting from Scratch After Completing a Coding Bootcamp: Worth the Journey?

  • 15 August 2023

Career Paths Without College

Completing a coding bootcamp is an achievement that signifies a significant investment of time and effort into learning the fundamentals of programming. However, the question that often arises after such an accomplishment is whether it's worth starting from scratch again, especially when almost two years have passed since the bootcamp. This article explores the considerations and factors that come into play when deciding to embark on a fresh learning journey.

The Burnout Factor

After the intensive experience of a coding bootcamp, it's not uncommon to feel burnt out. The demanding curriculum, long hours of coding, and high-pressure environment can leave even the most motivated individuals feeling exhausted. Taking a break to recharge and reassess one's goals is a sensible step. However, a lengthy hiatus can also lead to inertia, making it harder to get back into the learning mindset.

The Analysis Paralysis Struggle

Analysis paralysis, the state of overthinking and getting overwhelmed by choices, is a challenge many face when planning their next steps after completing a bootcamp. Building elaborate study plans and setting ambitious goals is admirable, but the key is to start small and build momentum. The fear of not choosing the "perfect" path can hinder progress. It's essential to acknowledge this tendency and take steps to overcome it.

Revisiting the Foundations

While it might seem daunting to start from scratch, consider it an opportunity to solidify your understanding of the fundamentals. Programming concepts can become rusty over time, and revisiting them can fill in the gaps and strengthen your knowledge. This process doesn't erase your previous achievements; rather, it enhances your skills and makes you a more well-rounded developer.

Overcoming Boredom and Repetition

The feeling of boredom and repetition is not uncommon in the learning process. Building basic projects like tic-tac-toe or to-do lists can seem uninteresting, especially after completing a bootcamp. However, these projects serve a purpose – they reinforce your learning and provide opportunities to apply your knowledge in practical ways. Embrace them as stepping stones towards more complex projects that align with your interests.

Building a Portfolio

Starting from scratch offers the chance to build a portfolio that showcases your growth and progress as a developer. When potential employers see a range of projects – from your bootcamp work to your recent endeavors – they gain insight into your dedication and evolution. A well-structured portfolio is a powerful tool that demonstrates your commitment to learning and improvement.

Worth the Journey?

The journey of deciding whether to start from scratch after completing a coding bootcamp is a deeply personal one. It's important to evaluate your passion for coding, your goals, and your willingness to embrace the learning process. Starting over doesn't negate your previous achievements; rather, it's a testament to your commitment to continuous improvement. Remember that your career path should align with your interests and strengths, ensuring a fulfilling and successful journey in the tech industry.

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Shams Hoque

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